Welcome to Aimin Li (黎爱民)’s Website
Welcome to Aimin Li’s website! I am currently a fourth-year Ph.D student at Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China. In HITSZ, my research is supervised by Prof. Shaohua Wu. Currently, I am also a visiting student at Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR in Singapore, where I am supervised by Prof. Sumei Sun.
I received my Bachelor’s degree in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) in 2020. I was also a visiting student at University of California (Riverside) in USA in 2017. I am a positive young volunteer for some IEEE events, such as IEEE VTC-Spring 2024 Singapore, IEEE 6G Summit Singapore 2023, and IEEE 6G Summit Singapore 2024; and a reviewer for some IEEE top-tier journals and conferences, such as IEEE TIT, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TWC, IEEE ISIT, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TVT, IEEE Communications Letters, etc.
- 2016.09 - 2020.06
- B.Sc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Highest Honor, Top 2%)
- Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HITSZ), China
- (Awarded Best Thesis: Finite Block-Length Analysis and Optimization for Spinal Codes)
- Supervisor: Prof. Shaohua Wu
- 2020.09 - 2025.06
- Ph.D. candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Direct PhD program from undergraduate)
- Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HITSZ), China
- Supervisor: Prof. Shaohua Wu
- 2023.10 - 2024.10
- Visiting Researcher at Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R)
- Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
- Supervisor: Prof. Sumei Sun
Research Interest
- Performance analysis of channel coding in the Finite Block-Length (FBL) regime. My research work about Spinal codes has been published in IEEE ISIT, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- Performance modeling and optimization of URLLC-oriented physical-layer communications, with a specific interest in Age of Information (AoI) analysis and optimizations. My research work about AoI has been published in IEEE Globecom, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Information Theory.
- Goal-oriented and semantic communications. My research work about goal-oriented and semantic communications has been published in IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Proc. ITW, and IEEE WCNC.
First-author Papers
- [TCOM] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, Jian Jiao, Ning Zhang, and Qinyu Zhang. “Age of information with Hybrid-ARQ: A unified explicit result” in IEEE Transactions on Communications (IF: 7.2, Q1), 2022. (PDF)
- [TCOM] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, Sumei Sun, and Jie Cao. “Goal-Oriented Tensor: Beyond Age of Information Towards Semantics-Empowered Goal-Oriented Communications” in IEEE Transactions on Communications (IF: 7.2, Q1), 2024. (PDF)
- [TCOM] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, Xiaomeng Chen, and Sumei Sun. “Tight Upper Bounds on the BLER of Spinal codes over the AWGN Channel”, IEEE Transactions on Communications (IF: 7.2, Q1), 2024. (PDF)
- [TWC] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, Jian Jiao, Ning Zhang, and Qinyu Zhang. “Spinal Codes Over Fading Channel: Error Probability Analysis and Encoding Structure Improvement” in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF: 8.9, Q1), 2021. (PDF)
- [WCM] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, Siqi Meng, Rongxing Lu, Sumei Sun, and Qinyu Zhang. “Toward Goal-Oriented Semantic Communications: New Metrics, Framework, and Open Challenges” in IEEE Wireless Communications (IF: 10.9, Q1), 2024. (PDF)
- [ITW] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, Gary C.F. Lee, Xiaomeng Chen, and Sumei Sun. “Sampling to Achieve the Goal: An Age-aware Remote Markov Decision Process”, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 2024. (PDF) (Code) (Slides)
- [ISIT] Xiaomeng Chen, Aimin Li(Co-first), and Shaohua Wu. “Tight Upper Bounds on the Error Probability of Spinal Codes over Fading Channels” in IEEE ISIT, Taipei, 2023. (PDF)
- [Globecom] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, Jian Jiao, Ning Zhang, and Qinyu Zhang. “Analyzing Age Performance of Hybrid-ARQ: A Unified Explicit Result” in IEEE Globecom, Brazil, 2022. (PDF)
- [WCNC] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, and Sunmei Sun. “Goal-oriented Tensor: Beyond AoI Towards Semantics-Empowered Goal-Oriented Communications” in IEEE WCNC, Dubai, 2024. (PDF)(Slides)
- [VTC] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, Ying Wang, Jian Jiao, and Qinyu Zhang. “Spinal Codes over BSC: Error Probability Analysis and the Puncturing Design” in IEEE VTC-Spring 2020, Belgium, 2020. (PDF)
First-author Preprint
- [TWC] Aimin Li, Xiaomeng Chen, Shaohua Wu, Gary C.F. Lee, and Sumei Sun. “A Unified Expression for Upper Bounds on the BLER of Spinal Codes over Fading Channels”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF: 8.9, Q1), 2023. (PDF)
- [TVT] Aimin Li, Shaohua Wu, and Sumei Sun. “Error Floor of Spinal Codes under ML Decoding”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF: 6.1 Q1), 2024. (PDF)
Collaborative Papers
- [TWC] Shaohua Wu, Zhihong Deng, Aimin Li, Jian Jiao, Ning Zhang, and Qinyu Zhang. “Minimizing age-of-information in HARQ-CC aided NOMA systems” in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF: 8.9, Q1), 2022. (PDF)
- [TCOM] Siqi Meng, Shaohua Wu, Aimin Li, Jian Jiao, Ning Zhang, and Qinyu Zhang. “Analysis and optimization of the HARQ-based spinal coded timely status update system” in IEEE Transactions on Communications (IF: 7.2, Q1), 2022. (PDF)
- [NET] Siqi Meng, Shaohua Wu, Hanyu Wu, Aimin Li, and Qinyu Zhang. “Analysis and optimization of the HARQ-based spinal coded timely status update system” in IEEE Network (IF: 6.8, Q1), 2022. (PDF)
- [JSAIT] Siqi Meng, Shaohua Wu, Aimin Li, and Qinyu Zhang. “Towards Goal-Oriented Semantic Communications: AoII Analysis of Coded Status Update System Under FBL Regime” in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Information Theory, 2023. (PDF)
- [TVT] Siqi Meng, Shaohua Wu, Aimin Li, Jian Jiao, Ning Zhang, and Qinyu Zhang. “Partial Self-Concatenation Structure and Performance Analysis of Spinal Codes Over Rayleigh Fading Channel” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF: 6.1, Q1), 2022. (PDF)
- [NL] Xiyu Lv, Shaohua Wu, Aimin Li, Jian Jiao, Ning Zhang, and Qinyu Zhang. “A Weighted Graph-Based Handover Strategy for Aeronautical Traffic in LEO SatCom Networks” in IEEE Networking Letters, 2022. (PDF)
- [INFOCOM WKSHPS] Kunpeng Liu, Aimin Li, and Shaohua Wu. “Deep Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Age-optimal Transmission Policy for HARQ-aided NOMA Networks” in IEEE INFOCOM PERAI 6G, 2023. (PDF)
- [VTC] Jiaming Zhang, Shaohua Wu, Aimin Li, Jian Jiao, and Qinyu Zhang. “Analysis of GEO Satellite Relay Coded Systems” in IEEE VTC, USA, 2022. (PDF)
- [ITW] Xiaomeng Chen, Aimin Li, and Shaohua Wu. “Optimal Sampling for Uncertainty-of-Information Minimization in a Remote Monitoring System”, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 2024. (PDF)
- [ICCW] Siqi Meng, Shaohua Wu, Aimin Li, Jian Jiao, Ning Zhang, Qinyu Zhang. “Analysis and Optimization of Spinal Codes over the BSC from the AoI Perspective”, IEEE ICC Workshops, Montreal, 2021.(PDF)
- [ICCT] Mingxiao Sun, Di Zhang, Shaobo Jia, Aimin Li, “Packet Management of AoI in The Finite Block-length Regime”, IEEE ICCT, Chengdu, 2024.
- 3rd Prize of IEEE Globecom 4MT Thesis Competition, Nov. 2024.
- (Rank 5 of 15 Final Round Competitors)
- IEEE Globecom 4MT Thesis Competition Travel Grant, Nov. 2024.
- (Top 15 Ph.d Students Worldwide.) (Title: Age and Value of Information for Remote Wireless Network)
- National Scholarship of China, Nov. 2024.
- (The Highest-Level Scholarship Funded by Government.) (Rate Top 0.2% in China)
- Candidate for the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project of China, Jan. 2024.
- (Only 1 Phd Student in EE Department, HITSZ.)
- (One of Fewer than 600 PhD Students Across All Disciplines in China.)
- HITSZ ‘‘Idea’’ Research Student Program, Nov. 2023.
- (Only 1 Phd Student in EE Department, HITSZ.)
- Chinese Government Scholarship by China Scholarship Council, Jul. 2023.
- Award for Excellent Students in Academic and Applied Endeavors, Dec. 2021.
- Special Merit Doctoral Scholarship, Nov. 2020.
- (Awarded by the University President. Only 1 Student Across All Disciplines in HITSZ.)
- National Scholarship of China, Nov. 2020.
- (The Highest-Level Scholarship Funded by Government.) (Rate Top 0.2% in China)
- Best Thesis Award of HIT, Jul. 2020.
- (Top 2 Students in EE Department, HITSZ.)
- Gongjin Scholarship for Overall Excellence, Dec. 2018.
- (Awarded by the University President, Top 3 students in EE Department, HITSZ.)
- Award for Heilongjiang Provincial Merit Student, Nov. 2018.
- (Rate Top 1% in Heilongjiang Province, China.)
- First Prize of Chinese College Student Mathematics Competitions, Dec. 2017.
- (First Prize of National-level Mathematics Competitions in China.)
- First Class Scholarship for Comprehensive Excellence, HITSZ, Dec. 2017.
- (Rate top 5% in HITSZ.)
- First Prize of Chinese College Student Mathematics Competitions, Dec. 2016.
- (First Prize of National-level Mathematics Competitions in China.)
Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), 518055, Shenzhen, China
I2R, A*STAR, 138532, Singapore
E-mail: (liaimin@stu.hit.edu.cn)